Canyon High School had Canyon Beautification Day. About 100 students spent hours cleaning up and improving their campus. As a member of the Anaheim Hills Rotary Club, we prepared and served lunch to the hard working advocates. – March 2, 2013
I took this picture right from my TV. This is our Dental Hygienist, Denise, who was on TV in a panoramic view of the crowd watching the Disney Christmas Day Parade. Looks like she is having a good time!
This morning the Anaheim Hills Rotary Club and members of the Canyon High School Interact Club attended a wonderful community service event. Put on by the Anaheim Police Department, we sorted and began wrapping donated gifts for underprivileged families in Anaheim.
I’ll never be able to earn a gold metal but at least I can hold one!! That’s Sandy and I along with Olympic gold medalist Amy Rodriguez from the London 2012 Olympic Women’s Soccer Team. Pretty cool, she is now playing with the USA women’s soccer team and hopes to… Read More…
Diagnosing the condition of the Temporal Mandibular Joint (TMJ) begins with a clinical examination and Joint Vibration Analysis (JVA). A very simple principle Bio-JVA, Joint Vibration Analysis is based on simple principles of motion and friction: When smooth surfaces rub together, little friction is created…and little vibration. If these… Read More…